This is what happens.
Yep, she is IN the washing machine. She was helping me unload the washing machine just a minute before this and I went to grab the laundry from another room and came back to find her like this. I was shocked, then laughed, then of course had to grab my camera. Probably not winning parent of the year for that one huh? But, we did have a chat about staying out of appliances..... all appliances. She just smiled and said "I know." Sigh. :-)
While your Makena was spinning in the wash cycle, my Makena was shoveling rice into the dryer. Oh yeah Big Sis was "watching" her while I was two floors up folding laundry. She thought it was okay that she put rice in the dryer.
Hey - taking photos of our children in these risky situations is okay. I mean we still have our eyes on them!
Oops - correction intended but too late I already hit "publish".
"your Makena" should read "your MakeNNa". Sorry.
Well, I think both Maken(n)as get ten points for mischievousness today :). Too fun.
She is adorable, trouble, but adorable!! (I would have taken a picture too)
that is soooo cute.. lucas climbed in our dryer twice!!!! that is such a cute picutre
What a crack up! Your dd are so beautiful!
Aww. What a moment and caught on camera. LOL I agree with Nancy, though holding the camera, you do still have your eyes on your little darlings. :-)
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