So, I have been kind of absent for the last week, since our life was turned upside down in the best possible way. :)
But, I did want to share some pictures from camping. Well, it wasn't really camping, it was cabining. We ended up in small cabins in Brule, WI and had so much fun hanging out and going to the beach. It was SO hot though, that I am glad that we had Lake Superior pretty close, and air conditioned cabins! My whole family goes including my parents, my brothers and sisters and their spouses and kids--15 people total. We have been going camping together for at least the 4 years. It's nice to spend time together as a great big family. Here are some pics of our time at the beach at Lake Superior in Ashland and Port
Wing, WI.
This is my 8 month old nephew-aren't those eyes beautiful??
Makenna & her awesome big cousin Madeline at the beach.
My sweet nieces Brennan & Alexa
The girls!
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